So… It’s been a year and I haven’t written shit.

Okay.. Honestly, I forgot I even made this blog.  LOLOL I’m truly impressed with my ability to start something and then abandon it without even realizing what I’ve done. A lot of shit has changed since I wrote these last entries. I moved! I switched jobs! But most importantly, I GOT A MOVIEPASS. I went… Continue reading So… It’s been a year and I haven’t written shit.

Basic Bitches: Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For

I’m literally so over basic bitches (Side note: please disregard how much of a basic bitch that opener made me sound like). Seriously though! Aren’t these girls exhausted?! I’m not talking about the typical white girl that loves pumpkin spice lattes (I get it, girls- they really are delicious) and Victoria’s Secret (they make great products!).… Continue reading Basic Bitches: Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For